20 November 2009

Missed call

I'm struck with a decision to call or not to call. And in order to understand why I guess I need to give a little background.

I have a friend..let's call him Impossible. I've known Impossible for about 7-8 years. We started talking because I had another friend who thought he was cute and wanted to get to know him. After a year or so, we got closer and hung out a lot more and we would drive an hour or so to visit each other. Long story short, we had a really close relationship for about 2 years and then a big misunderstanding led us to stop talking for a year. We bumped into each other on-line and straightened the whole mess out and started talking more often. At that point, he had moved to another state to live with a family member and his then g/f. Over the next few years we would call and IM and still be friendly to each other. Then in 2007 he came up to visit a lot of people and included me on his list of stops. I made him the deal that I would go and visit him where he was living when I had the money available. That was also about the time when I was having a falling out in the relationship I was in. Impossible was someone I talked to very frequently about the situation (as I had in other past relationships...we could count on each other for support and advice). A few months later I had planned my vacation to visit Impossible for a weekend and about the same time, I had started dating DS. The trip kind of opened my eyes about him since he seemed to have the idea that much more was going to happen than a friend coming to visit. He never out right did anything or say anything about it, but I could tell. I came home and we still talked every few weeks. He had moved back up to the state I was living in but we never made plans to visit.

To bring this forward to the more current situation. Almost a year ago, I got a call from Impossible which if I remember was him telling me he was moving back to where he was living when I visited him. Then the phone call took a turn to discussing DS. Apparently, Impossible had really strong opinions about DS even though he had never met him. After defending my b/f and telling Impossible that he had no place to say those things he proceeded to tell me that he knew me better than anyone and a bunch of other crap that pissed me off. Since then, I haven't spoken to him. I decided that if he wasn't even willing to give my b/f a chance and meet him, that I didn't really want to talk to him or see him. And I haven't. I even removed him as a friend from certain website accounts.

Recently, Impossible has been calling and texting me but I haven't responded. He hasn't left any voicemails, but he's called at least 2-3 times. Part of me wants to answer and hear what he wants to say. Part of me knows that if I do answer, I probably won't be very nice. I wonder if I should speak to him and tell him exactly why he hasn't heard from me in so long. I also wonder if it makes me a bad friend because I just up and abandoned the friendship. *shrug* I guess I just have to wait and see if I feel ready to discuss the situation with him.


Robbers said...

Don't feel like you've abandoned the frienship. He took that word and gave it a different meaning when he decided to start bad-mouth DS. I know we've talked about this already, but I just wanted to say that even if you're going to feel bad, don't make that a priority. Make the priority on him. You don't know what he wants to say and he may feel like he has the upper hand. I would wait and see if he ever leaves a voicemail.

UJ (thought we should initial on here since it might confuse our one reader lol)

Robbers said...

Omg. FrienDship. Bad-mouthING.

Robbers said...

Yeah... after I posted I was like "Meh, if he has something to say, he'll say it. If not, I can continue to avoid him." And I <3 your new typing skills. :-) LOL