13 November 2009

Piece of mind

So, the other day something happened and in the nights that followed I got this idea to write a huge "piece" as a way of (hopefully) relieving some of the anger and hurt that continuously befalls me because of the other person involved. And, because after all the shit I've put up with, I feel I have every right to get it all off my chest and dis said other person to high fucking heaven and send it into the void of the internet cosmos so it can all float away into nothing. Because frankly, I'm so bloody tired of said other person, and honestly, he deserves it. Yes, he'll probably never hear a lot of the stuff straight from my mouth (tho my spine came out of hiding once or twice in the last few months) but I'm done caring about whether or not it really affects him (mainly because nothing will ever affect him to the point of realizing what a FUCKING IDIOT he is, and he'll continue on being the way he is and I'm done being a part of that!!!). Breathe... Ok so the point is, I am going to write this "piece" and post it. I'm not sure when I'll get to it but I'm going to do it. And who knows, maybe I will end up feeling better. I just have so much validity stored up inside me from how I've suffered that if I don't just go crazy and pour out the overflowing mess I will probably become stupidly jaded about things and I don't want to go there. I need to continue to move on and cross the point of no return, which I know is out there, I just have to keep trying to get to it. I need to be over said other person. He doesn't deserve anything from me, ever again. Least of all anything emotional on my part. (And I don't mean suffering in the "oo pity me I'm a victim" type of way... if you think that after you've read my stuff about it all then you can fuck yourself because you've obviously never dated a jerk).

I, however, am going out to dinner shortly and have to get ready, but I don't want to leave off in such a negative way (just you wait, Union Jane...), so here are a few things that annoy me, continuing CB's loverly list. Enjoy!

  • Blackened fingers after holding a newspaper
  • Old people who shouldn't have a license (that's a list in itself!)
  • Cellphone cameras that are pretty good... but not that good
  • The fact that my DVD player always pauses around 1 hr and 15 mins every time I use it
  • Missing one of my shows because I set the VCR too early or because my mom forgot until 45 mins in
  • How it's apparently a new rule for every fucking employee to say hello to you in JC Penney
  • High sizes in women's shoes = sinfully ugly styles and 90% less selection
  • People who take up the entire aisle at a store and either a) walk at the speed of a snail or b) stand there and expect you to go around them, with the accompanying dumbass look on their face
  • Christmas decorations up since BEFORE Halloween
  • Horrible versions of Christmas songs being blasted at ridiculous volumes
  • Stores within stores competing with horrible versions of Christmas songs being blasted

There. I feel a little more relaxed now. *laugh* Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. I also love Christmas music. In fact, I turn on the Christmas radio station in my car and don't turn it off (not even change it) until December 26th. Even if they play a horrible version of something. (Granted, that's usually when some Mannheim Steamroller goes into my CD player.) OMG but anyway, I love Halloween more and I do not appreciate the ignoring of my holiday. Stupid malls. What the fuck was I talking about? Right so, lists are fun. I'm way too amused by the bulleting it does for you. Coming soon to this blog: The Piece.


P.S. I think I may do some editing to our page too. It's annoying me as well, for some reason.

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