13 November 2009

A list of sorts..

So... I get bored in class really easily and then I just tune everything out and write crap down. The other day after a particularly funny lunch with a friend, I wrote down this list of things that get on my nerves. Mostly it's things that other people do. Feel free to chime in!

  • Drivers who do not use turn signals.
  • Professors who have super thick (foreign) accents that talk really fast and won't repeat anything.
  • Students who tell me not to bitch about parking (as a commuter) when they live on campus and walk to their classes.
  • Crooked bumper stickers.
  • People who sit in my seat in a class when I clearly sit in the same place every day.
  • Students who wear pajamas/sweats to class.
  • Being on speakerphone and the other person keeps saying "What? What did you say?"
  • Getting my period early and not having tampons.
  • Breaking a nail super low so that I can't cut it.
  • Getting flat hair on one side from taking a nap.
  • Vegetarians who criticize that I eat and enjoy meat.
  • Professors who start new topics when there's less than 5 min left in class.
  • People who take more than 20 items through the express lane.
  • Classes with mandatory attendance.
  • Chairs/desks that are attached to the floor.
  • Project leaders who don't dictate to the group.
  • The toilet roll being empty.
  • Being tailgated on the interstate when I'm already speeding.
  • People who stand in the middle of the (not very wide) hallway between classes.
  • Ugg boots.
  • Dog fur on almost everything I own.
  • Text messages that have no punctuation.
  • Chipping my nail polish after it just dries.
  • People who knock my shit over on my desk with their huge backpacks.
  • My butt being incredibly sore from sitting in the car for 3 hours.

This list could go on forever because I find new annoyances every day. But this is what I got so far. Potentially to be updated at a later date.


Robbers said...

Oh boy, I agree with so many of these it's ridiculous. And I will make sure to use all my English know-how in texts to you from now on. (I think the only time I haven't is when I was drunk.)

Robbers said...

LOL... I was more-so mentioning the people who are asking questions and don't use question marks but you're supposed to just "know" that it was a question.