21 December 2009

Happy Chrismakkah!!

...and no I'm not trying to be politically correct. I'm "spoiled". Since my father's side of my family is Catholic and my mother's side of my family is Jewish.... I get both damn it. And by the way, when you're a kid, it seems all awesome and great cuz HOLY SHIT you get 8 days of presents AND you get Christmas. Holy awesome-ness of a shit ton of gifts right!? Yeah, well when you get old... it's really not about the presents. (But shit, they're still fun!) That's when all that shit just gets confusing. I mean really, how do you raise a kid to have to different religions? Talk about a walking contradiction!

Anywhore, in daily news, here's what's going on.

I get to take my last final for this semester on Tuesday. Then, my friend Yupper and I are going to go get a drink (or 2, or 3) to celebrate the semester being over. I'm thinking Long Islands, woo! Then on Thursday DS and I are driving back to Less Far Away for Christmas. And I think that last night I volunteered us to make dinner. Which is fine, because dinner was looking a little dull and we weren't feeling it so I casually mentioned we could make something to go with it and somehow I managed to decide that we'd just make the whole damn thing. Whoops! But DS likes to cook and I like to cook and my sister wants to help cook so it really shouldn't be that bad to be honest.

Oh! And I got new boots! I have needed real winter boots for the last 2 winters. I have these plaid galoshes that keep the water and the snow off but I'll tell you, they aren't warm AT ALL! I live in the Midwest ya'll... it gets fucking COLD!! And the snow! I HATE snow. So basically I was doubling up on socks to make up for the lack of warmth. So this year I decided that since DS bought me a super duper cute new coat that I was definitely getting real boots. The ones I wanted were..well, not cheap.. but yesterday we went to the mall (yes, we are crazy sons-a-bitches) and I saw the boots I wanted for way not expensive! Plus! They were actually taller than the original ones. CB is happy!! And... ok.... so I hate the trend of tucking pants into boots. Mostly because I CANNOT pull it off. I can't make it look cute. Sucks! But, I can tuck my pants into these (cuz who besides me hates having wet jeans!) and I don't look like a moron. Super Plus!

And then... last night, DS and I were discussing my new boots at Best Buy (yes...I was THAT excited about boots!) and talking about how you can't really walk heel-toe when it's all snowy out because it's slippery and that's how you fall on your ass, you have to kinda 'march' so that you maintain some fucking traction... whatever. And THEN! Oh em gee.... couldn't have been more perfect timing. The dude walking directly in front of us took one heel-toe step off the rug onto the tile in Best Buy and he BUSTED HIS SHIT! Now, this makes me a terrible, bad person because no, I did not stop to make sure he was ok, 2 Best Buy employees were right there and they jumped to his aid and really... what the hell was I going to do. Plus (not that it makes it better) he was an able-bodied man. If it was an old guy, I would have stopped and made sure he didn't break a hip or something. So DS looks at me and he goes "See.... weren't we JUST talking about that. Wasn't he listening?" Which made me laugh. Because he was right. And to be honest, it's always funny when someone falls. I laugh when I fall all the time.

And now today, I'm going to take DS's presents out of hiding and wrap them along with all the other presents I haven't wrapped yet. And I need stamps. How exciting. Ah, well.

~Classy Bitch

1 comment:

Robbers said...

I do believe we've discussed all of this already, but I wouldn't have helped that guy either. I would have had to walk away so I wouldn't be laughing directly in his face. *nod*