Good fucking grief. Sometimes I really don't understand what makes people tick. Or rather, what makes people dicks. I swear the teenage generation gets skinnier, dumber and more whore-y as the years go by. My friends and I were NEVER that annoying. I'm sure to some people we were, and I'm sure everyone says things like that as they get older, but no fucking way were we that prissy and inconsiderate and so incredibly arrogant.
One thing I do every year on the 4th of July is go to my town's parade. I don't even think other towns around us have parades and I've always thought it was a cool, long-standing tradition. I'm definitely not someone you could really call patriotic, but 4th of July is my second favorite holiday and I've always been a stickler for certain traditions. I grew up thinking it was cool and being excited to go. My face wasn't painted like a fucking flag and my family didn't dress in matching outfits (with headbands... and beads...) but still! It was a family thing and you looked forward to seeing certain people or things in the parade, making fun of the clowns, feeling bad for the poor saps dressed in over sized dog suits (don't know where that tradition came from...)... etc. I don't think I should really have to explain what it [should] feels like to have something every year you do with your family or community or what-the-fuck-ever. The point is, this year, we stood in the same place we did last year. And another family (the ones with the headbands and beads) stood in front of us, by the curb, like they did last year. Oh my fucking God. Two teenage girls, who I'm assuming were sisters, in these hoochie-esque dresses, ridiculously big sunglasses, purses you could fit Mary Poppins in and flashy sandals came over and stood to our right in the little bit of shade there.
Twat #1: "Oh my Gawd I'm dying."
Twat #2: "Yeah, like, I'm dying."
(Mom says something to them from the curb)
Twat #1: "Mooooom, I'm dying!"
(Mom says something about them getting a ride with some guy)
Twat #2: "Oh my Gawd he's not here yet. I'm like, dying."
Twat #1: "He won't be here for, like, another half hour or something and I'm dying." (to Twat #2) "I'm seriously dying."
Twat #1: "I know, it's, like, seriously hot."
And so on and so on. Granted, it was friggin' hot, BUT IT WASN'T THAT HOT!!! Jesus Christ if I had to listen to them any longer I was going to yell, "THEN DIE ALREADY AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I mean, if you're gonna be twat teenagers and complain about having to be outside in the natural sun and air with your family in public, fine. But don't stand 15 feet away from your family and yell the conversation back and forth! Nobody wants to here you whine bitch. And who the fuck talks like that?! Ugh I wanted to throw up the snow cone I tried to eat before it melted. And if I had I would have aimed at their pretty little dresses. Which, by the way, were less covering than what I was wearing (tank and shorts) and I don't do well AT ALL in the heat and I wasn't suffering to my last fucking breath.
Another lovely part of parade time happened before that whole situation actually. We were standing in front of a store that has two windowed sections, separated by a brick wall that sticks out a little. So we're standing there (important part) IN THE CORNER, where there's the most shade and blockage from the gross wind. All of a sudden this little buggy and a mom comes round the corner and says all fluttery and innocent (not to me, I guess just to the fucking air), "Oh, can we just sneak right in here?" and half-heartedly laughs... and proceeds to fucking back her ass up so far into the corner that I had to move. What the fuck?! Seriously?! She had 3 or 4 other kids with her too that all just piled in after her. Meanwhile, my mom and dad and I are STARING at them in disbelief that they just took over. Like, hello! If I hadn't of moved I would have been literally up against the wall and some little girl. I must have said, "Rude." 5 or 6 times really loudly. I don't know if they heard me but they didn't even say, "Oh we're just gonna use the shade for a minute" or "Excuse us" or ANYTHING. Wow. Eventually they left and I said, "Yeah, goodbye!" really loudly. We stood nice and further apart then to make sure no one else clammed in.
Oh. Em. Gee. Rude ass motherfuckers.
UJ xxoo
3 days ago
OH EM GEE... I'm like, dyyyiiinngg.
That's really annoying and ri-donk-ulous. It wasn't THAT hot on Sunday. We didn't have any annoying teenagers, we had little kids throwing rocks, too many people with strollers (bumpy grass + hill + stroller = omg please let me watch you dumb your kid over because you totally deserve them to start screaming!) and girl who kept lighting smoke bomb-type fireworks. Lol... but besides that, uneventful. <#
I had much more fun stuff happen that day too, but since the original purpose of our blog was to bitch about stuff and make good use of our adult warning, I am trying to nerts up all my posts. :-)
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