So, there is an older woman who basically took over my job at this place I used to work. She is a lawyer but doesn't practice much anymore, hence the crap part time job she now has. She is divorced once, remarried and has four kids total (I think). I've never really liked her much but I just have to post this story I recently heard about her. And when I say heard I don't mean through some snotty grapevine. It's on dead set authority.
Anywhore, apparently her now husband has been wanting to file for divorce. I guess he was given 30 days to decided whether or not he was going to, and he finally decided he did. So she didn't want him sleeping in their bed with her and she told him that. He was none too happy and there was a bit of a struggle with her in the bedroom on one side of the door and him - with his foot in the doorway - on the other. He was pushing and being a usually dumb ass guy (I mean, I presume...) and somehow HE broke his glasses. So what does he do? He calls the police and has her arrested for battery! And what do the police do? They believe him and take her to jail. He also told the police that she "pummeled" him and that's why his glasses were broken. So she had to call my ex-boss to post bail, but she is not allowed back in HER house for 72 hours, so her and her kids are all staying at ex-boss's house right now.
Oh my fucking god. I would sue his ass. He's a lawyer too so I'm sure there's going to be some definite legal shit happening. And I was just going to say I can't believe the police believed him over her, but I do believe it, and that's just sick. Jesus where are these people born to become such monsters? Did they go to Devil Daycare? Fuck. What a dick.
UJ xxoo
3 days ago
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