I fucking call bullshit!!! What the motherfucking hell is wrong with people? And why do some people have the brainpower of a dead battery? I realize that being a neighbor sometimes means having to be nice to people who you'd rather see thrown into a garbage disposal, or dealing with incestuous young folk that move in with them, and their ridiculously bad language that's loud ALL THE FUCKING TIME and even worse, in some kind of southern tongue... but COME ON.
I have one such neighbor. Let's call him Serial Killer. Ever since he [rightfully - I'm with him there] divorced his ugly ass cheating wife, he's been, well let's say, a little more frugal. He's lost a bunch of weight and looks even more creepy now. He was psycho about mowing his lawn before but now it's like he's on fucking crack. His new thing is edging. He has edged around his lawn everywhere, down the drive and around the sidewalks, around his bushes and empty garden, his back porch... everything. And he has done it to the point of creating at least 4 inches of dirt. No grass is left. Nothing! And it looks fucking horrible. Especially where there's still some kind of grass, but it's all dried and yellow.
Now fine, you're lonely. Whatever. But WHY IN THE FUCKING GODLESS HELL WOULD HE THINK I WANT MY EDGES TO LOOK THAT WAY TOO?!?!?! The fucking dick edged from my house to the sidewalk (and not the other bit), a brick and a half on ONE side of my walk, and in patches here and there down my sidewalk. WHAT THE HELL?! Now I have random yellow borders! Are you fucking kidding me? Get off my property you fuck. People who know me know I have a problem with this guy. When he mows his lawn he usually uses a leaf blower to blow all his cut grass into the corners of my drive and that's his version of cleaning it up. God forbid he put it back in his own yard. And sometimes he doesn't even do that. If there's a chance of rain, he leaves it there so not only do I have a green drive, but it's wet and muddy. Yeah, thanks. Asswipe. I've been dealing with that for years. But now he's going to randomly edge shit and make my yard look shitty like his? I DON'T THINK SO. If he does it again, there will have to be words exchanged. How can he not see he's killed his grass where he edges and then think that'd be ok to do in someone else's lawn?!
Holy fuck. P.S. I love swearing and then ending my sign-off with xxoo.
UJ xxoo
3 days ago
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