HI! So, here I...well... WE are!
Okay, so here's how this happened. Basically I sit around all day being unemployed and whatnot and I read a TON of blogs. Yeah, a shit-ton. It's like a new addiction or something. So, I wondered, "How hard could it be?" I mean, I'm sure it's hard, but I've had on-line journals and all that fun stuff so why not, right? However, I'm not sure how much I want to get into all the bloggy-drama whatnots that goes on. I'm not here to diss anyone else's blog or play favorites, I just want to have fun with it. I also decided to drag my bestie along for the ride and have her write along with me! She's in charge of making this blog look all pretty and add her own two cents. Oh! And we've decided for the sake of all parties involved - ourselves and whomever else may come up in conversation - to remain as anonymous as possible. (Mostly because I talk a lot of shit, haha!) So you may see really random nicknames from time to time. And for anyone who stumbles across this that figures out who we are... keep your mouth shut! As much as we adore you, we'll filter comments to make sure no one gives us away.
I'll be your blogger known (for at least the time being) as Classy Bitch. Pleasure to meet you all. I'm 24, from the Midwest, temporarily unemployed, in school full time and trying not to pull my damn hair out. I have 2 kitties - "The Boys" - and 2 pups - "Peanut" and "Melon Noggins" and I can't keep a plant alive to save my soul. I have a boyfriend - "Doc Sexy" - whom I thoroughly adore and appreciate more than anything in the world and will probably talk about quite often since I see him more than anyone else I know and we live together. My bestie who will be writing on here lives farther away from me than I'd like her to and we don't see each other often enough. She's 75% of my texting per month and the reason I come online every day. She's also the only other member of the "gang" that we have. It's so exclusive there can only be 2 members. I think the two of us totally rock and are super duper awesome and in time, you'll come to realize it as well. (I'm so full of myself sometimes.)
Enough about that for now.... I'm sure everyone will learn more as time goes by. For now, I'm turning this over to my partner in crime so she can do all the crazy formatting and add her own post when she's got the time. I shall return another day.
Classy Bitch
P.S. Apparently spell check doesn't think 'anywhore' is a word... *shaking fist* you shall learn spell check!
3 days ago
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