Oy! Ya ever have one of those days that starts out completely dull but you have all these great intentions for what you're going to accomplish, only for it all to get shot to hell and something weird or crazy happen? Yeah, yesterday was totally one of those days.
I got pretty excited yesterday morning when it was raining and gloomy because I knew then there was nothing that was going to distract me from what I was doing. I, unlike UJ (omg, I now love saying U-J in my head... it's fantastic, you should totally try it!), do not get frequent weather updates so unless I get my happy ass to check the weather channel or whatever, I have no idea what it's going to do outside and yesterday, I was perfectly content with rain and gloom. Rain and gloom is good packing weather. Did I pack yesterday? Hell fucking no! I kept looking at stuff and thinking to myself, "I guess I could totally put that in a box... but... no, I might need that. How 'bout this... no, I don't even think that's mine.." And so nothing got put in a box, lots of things got picked up and looked at, but nothing went in a box. Well, The Boys were in boxes all day but that's just because they like hiding from the Melon Noggins (she's big..they don't like her). I did however manage to piss off a friend yesterday. This post is not intended to dive into that little situation going on in my life so I'll save that for a whole 'nother day. Last night was when the fun began.
Doc Sexy wasn't feeling so hot Tuesday night. He came straight home from work and didn't go to the gym - highly unusual since he goes 5 days a week - and all he did was lay down. Yesterday he said he felt 'ok' on the morning and he went off to work. I get a text at 4:30 telling me he's waiting for test results and he's "going to be there awhile". Seeing as how he works in a hospital I had to ask if they were HIS test results or a patient's. They were his. I didn't really think anything was too terribly wrong since I knew he wasn't feeling well - his stomach was being weird and painful - and I figured he was just going to get checked out. Since he was in the walk-in, I kept getting little snipits of answers so I really didn't know what was up. I went to my Boot Camp work-out because he said he was fine and was just going to be waiting for results. I get back to my phone and he's now in the ER. Sidenote here: Boot Camp is outside, in the grass and on pavement. I get dirty and sweaty. At the time of driving the ER I had mud streaks on both my knees and my hands and was a little stinky. I'm sure I looked fantastic! So, anywhore, he was waiting for an IV and going to be getting a CT scan so I ran back home, showered in approximately 3 minutes, fed the dogs and shoved a chicken sandwich from Mickey D's down my throat on the way back to the hospital. I don't remember what it tasted like. He got to the ER at 5:30 last night and we didn't leave until after 10:30... close to 11. The doctor listed a bunch of stuff that he DIDN'T have but they had no idea what it actually was. So they gave him a couple of Rx's and out the door we went. I then got the pleasure of picking up his meds. 2 kinds, 32 total pills. How long should that take at 11:00 at night to fill in an empty Walgreens? They tell me 15 min so I wander around and finally just sit in the little pharmacy waiting area because I'm exhausted (I go to bed at 9:30 people) and annoyed. The 4 people (yes FOUR! at 11 pm) weren't in much of a hurry to get me out of there since in took longer than 15 min. Might I add that I was the ONLY customer filling a prescription at this time. So annoyed, hungry and tired, I went home. Doc Sexy is fine...he's home today eating very carefully and resting and taking his meds. Hopefully this was just some weird fluke and it doesn't get worse or anything. I realized however, that I'm just like my dad when it comes to people being in the hospital. My dad gets really edgy and snippy and anxious and last night I was definitely the edgy and anxious. I'm fine if it's me in the hospital bed but I was all sorts of goofy. I was at Mickey D's and forgot to pull up after paying. I had to triple check that I unplugged the crock-pot at home. Little things. I know that I am being a little sketchy with the details but I'm sure DS wouldn't want me divulging all the details of his evening.
I'm hoping that today is a little less eventful. Maybe I'll actually pack today! As of right now, I'm trying to type with a big ol' dog head resting on my arm. It's kinda heavy. I've already gone across town to my mom's and back twice (I forgot the key to get into her house.) and went to the bank. Oh and on my travel's I saw some chick riding a bike, mind you it's raining, and I have major issues with people who ride their bikes in the street. First of all, the traffic signs and signals do still apply to you. You don't get to keep going through a stop sign just because you have a bike. And second of all, stay out of the way. Sure, sure, they have a right to be there, but I have a right in my car (which is bigger than your damn bike!) to be in MY lane and not have to drive into oncoming traffic to avoid your bike. It's just bugs me.
And so...
"Nobody move! I've dropped me brain!"
Classy Bitch
3 days ago
First of all, my eyes went all googely for a moment from switching from the bright white of the internet, to our black and red/orange blog. Second, is it too pretentious to leave a comment on your half? Third, how are you pronouncing UJ? You Jay? Ooge? For obvious reasons (to you) I hope it's the second, even though it sounds dirty.
Hell no it's not too pretentious! We can do whatever the hell we want LOL, it's our blog! And at first I was saying it You Jay and then I made it a word... Ooge is a good way to describe what it sounded like in my head!! And it does sound a little dirty. :-)
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