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I'm moving in 2 weeks and....
I hate moving.
Ok... so it's not the moving part that I hate, it's the packing. Oh the packing. It's so tedious. Ya gotta sit there and look at all the stuff you own and decide what box is it going in, can it really be packed away now, does it need bubble-wrap. OMG I love me some bubble-wrap... amazing stress reliever. *pop* *pop* Just amazing. I started packing back in May. DS was going to be staying in my apartment *gasp* since his lease was coming to an end and it just made more sense than anything else. I cleaned out my closet and rearranged my room and put a bunch of stuff in totes and boxes and the trash. My closet....that was a feat in itself. I wouldn't say that I'm a hoarder but I have a hard time getting rid of little things that essentially have no use but have a little bit of sentimental value. I have VIP lanyards from concerts, 'collectibles', band stickers. I'm never going to use this stuff but I still packed it away in a box so that, most likely, it will probably stay in a box in a new closet. Anywhore, I got a bunch of stuff cleared out so that DS had room for his stuff. Now is about the time that I need to focus on the rest of the apartment. I need to start packing away everything else. I keep procrastinating. I'll open a cabinet and think, "Well, no I can't pack that, I might need it before we move." "No, I can't pack that 'cause I don't know if that's even mine." (I have a roommate.) "I guess I could pack that." So I've ended up with about 3 boxes that are half filled because I get annoyed with the whole thing and just leave it to go do something else. Today I'm going to make an honest attempt to put a lot of stuff away. I scanned the apartment the last few days to see what I knew I could pack and I'm going to start with that.
I'm actually getting a little excited to move. I've lived in the same city for the last 18 years. I've lived in different places around the city but I've been here since I was a little kid. It'll be an interesting change of scenery. Of course I'm going to miss people but I keep saying, "Look guys, I'm not dying.. I'm just moving further away." Plus, I'm going to be driving up to my school (which is in the city I currently live in) twice a week for classes. It just made more sense to finish my last year of school here instead of transferring and it taking longer and costing more. I'm not looking forward to that drive but it's only for a few months. Even after that, it's only a few hours in the car to get to people that I'd want to see. (and UJ of COURSE you're included) I guess I'm just ready to try something new.
Oy! Ya ever have one of those days that starts out completely dull but you have all these great intentions for what you're going to accomplish, only for it all to get shot to hell and something weird or crazy happen? Yeah, yesterday was totally one of those days. I got pretty excited yesterday morning when it was raining and gloomy because I knew then there was nothing that was going to distract me from what I was doing. I, unlike UJ (omg, I now love saying U-J in my head... it's fantastic, you should totally try it!), do not get frequent weather updates so unless I get my happy ass to check the weather channel or whatever, I have no idea what it's going to do outside and yesterday, I was perfectly content with rain and gloom. Rain and gloom is good packing weather. Did I pack yesterday? Hell fucking no! I kept looking at stuff and thinking to myself, "I guess I could totally put that in a box... but... no, I might need that. How 'bout this... no, I don't even think that's mine.." And so nothing got put in a box, lots of things got picked up and looked at, but nothing went in a box. Well, The Boys were in boxes all day but that's just because they like hiding from the Melon Noggins (she's big..they don't like her). I did however manage to piss off a friend yesterday. This post is not intended to dive into that little situation going on in my life so I'll save that for a whole 'nother day. Last night was when the fun began.Doc Sexy wasn't feeling so hot Tuesday night. He came straight home from work and didn't go to the gym - highly unusual since he goes 5 days a week - and all he did was lay down. Yesterday he said he felt 'ok' on the morning and he went off to work. I get a text at 4:30 telling me he's waiting for test results and he's "going to be there awhile". Seeing as how he works in a hospital I had to ask if they were HIS test results or a patient's. They were his. I didn't really think anything was too terribly wrong since I knew he wasn't feeling well - his stomach was being weird and painful - and I figured he was just going to get checked out. Since he was in the walk-in, I kept getting little snipits of answers so I really didn't know what was up. I went to my Boot Camp work-out because he said he was fine and was just going to be waiting for results. I get back to my phone and he's now in the ER. Sidenote here: Boot Camp is outside, in the grass and on pavement. I get dirty and sweaty. At the time of driving the ER I had mud streaks on both my knees and my hands and was a little stinky. I'm sure I looked fantastic! So, anywhore, he was waiting for an IV and going to be getting a CT scan so I ran back home, showered in approximately 3 minutes, fed the dogs and shoved a chicken sandwich from Mickey D's down my throat on the way back to the hospital. I don't remember what it tasted like. He got to the ER at 5:30 last night and we didn't leave until after 10:30... close to 11. The doctor listed a bunch of stuff that he DIDN'T have but they had no idea what it actually was. So they gave him a couple of Rx's and out the door we went. I then got the pleasure of picking up his meds. 2 kinds, 32 total pills. How long should that take at 11:00 at night to fill in an empty Walgreens? They tell me 15 min so I wander around and finally just sit in the little pharmacy waiting area because I'm exhausted (I go to bed at 9:30 people) and annoyed. The 4 people (yes FOUR! at 11 pm) weren't in much of a hurry to get me out of there since in took longer than 15 min. Might I add that I was the ONLY customer filling a prescription at this time. So annoyed, hungry and tired, I went home. Doc Sexy is fine...he's home today eating very carefully and resting and taking his meds. Hopefully this was just some weird fluke and it doesn't get worse or anything. I realized however, that I'm just like my dad when it comes to people being in the hospital. My dad gets really edgy and snippy and anxious and last night I was definitely the edgy and anxious. I'm fine if it's me in the hospital bed but I was all sorts of goofy. I was at Mickey D's and forgot to pull up after paying. I had to triple check that I unplugged the crock-pot at home. Little things. I know that I am being a little sketchy with the details but I'm sure DS wouldn't want me divulging all the details of his evening. I'm hoping that today is a little less eventful. Maybe I'll actually pack today! As of right now, I'm trying to type with a big ol' dog head resting on my arm. It's kinda heavy. I've already gone across town to my mom's and back twice (I forgot the key to get into her house.) and went to the bank. Oh and on my travel's I saw some chick riding a bike, mind you it's raining, and I have major issues with people who ride their bikes in the street. First of all, the traffic signs and signals do still apply to you. You don't get to keep going through a stop sign just because you have a bike. And second of all, stay out of the way. Sure, sure, they have a right to be there, but I have a right in my car (which is bigger than your damn bike!) to be in MY lane and not have to drive into oncoming traffic to avoid your bike. It's just bugs me.And so..."Nobody move! I've dropped me brain!"~xo~Classy Bitch
I have this bedtime ritual of going to pee, then laying in bed and playing Scrabble on my cellphone until I can't keep my eyes open anymore, going to pee again, and then crashing for the night. It's a little bit funny (this feeling insiiiiide...) to me because I always "graciously" point out how certain people I know practically have their cells plastered to their faces, and most nights I can't fall asleep without having some Scrabble time. I guess that's not really the same thing as always being on a call or falling into a ditch you didn't see because of constant texting... but still. It's like the one thing that I really, really love my phone for. Well, not the ONLY thing, but it's MY thing. Why did I open with this? Right, because last night I tried to go to bed without playing Scrabble. And instead of tossing and turning and thinking about nonsense, I started to write a new post for this blog in my head. Of course, by the morning I had completely blocked out the inner-monologue, and then by the time I remembered I had done so, I completely forgot anything I was going to say. Hence, this ridiculous introduction.I get the day's weather text messaged to my cellphone from, I believe, the weather channel? And I also signed up for severe weather alerts. Every morning (actually, NOT every morning, which always boggles my mind when it skips a day) I get the "morning, night and tomorrow" forecasts, usually followed by a separate text for the next day's high and low temps, including the percentage or precipitation. Great. Fantastic. Except any kind of prediction of weather is usually wrong. I know this, and knew this previously, so oh well. But the thing that always gets to me is when I get an alert. It almost ALWAYS over-reacts and sends me the same exact message 30 times in 20 minutes (fact... I counted). Or the first one will say something like "A Flash Flood warning has been issued" followed by 16 more that say "A Flash Flood warning update has been issued." Thank you. And the update is?? Not once has it told me the update. And why must it arrive in my inbox 16 more times? I eventually just created a folder in my messages just for the weather texts. I don't mind enough to cancel it (or is it that I don't remember where I even signed up for them, hmm...) because in a way, it's one of the rare constants in my life. (Wow, that's sad.) And I do have to counter this rant with another factual story in all fairness...I was in a different state, though only about an hour, hour and a half away from home, and I got an alert saying a tornado warning had been issued for the town in which I live. I more or less brushed it off to it being Spring and went about my business. Then I got at least 5 more straight away. So, I rang my folks and they confirmed the bad weather that was quickly approaching, and I asked them to head to my place and bring my cat downstairs if an F-anything touched down. A little more time passed and I got alert after alert after alert. I mentioned it to the people I was with and they started calling home. It was bad everywhere. Tornadoes had been sighted. So I try to reach my folks again. I can't get them on their house line, their cells, or at my house. Panic strikes and I'm trying to avoid thinking about the Wizard of Oz and hoping my cat lives through whatever is going on back at home. Maybe 30 minutes later I get in touch with them and they were at my house, in the basement, with my cat. A little while later I was outside with someone and the storms that had just left our hometown were now steadily creeping up on where we were at that time. The lightening was incredible. Every second it seemed -- in fact, I think there was some record set by how many strikes per minute, and it was some insane number in the 100s. The wind was making it rain sideways and the thunder shook you so deeply you could swear you heard your bones rattle. When we finally departed for home, the flooding was so bad it made some roads impassable. We had no choice but to trudge through a few and if I had opened the door, gross black water would have poured in. And we were in a van. Exiting off the expressway back in town, the road we exited onto was closed because the power was out for miles. It was a little unsettling to come home to a pitch black town. It was like everything was wiped out completely, leaving only a dark nothingness. The damage was thankfully less than expected, but still pretty bad in some areas. Upon returning home I found that I had power (which is unusual for my side of the street) and my cat still had all 9 lives. On a side note: I love how if you call Com Ed to report a power outage, one of the first things the automated voice says is to "visit their website." Douche bag. I have no power.Well, that was pretty tame for a good anecdote. I guess I should be thankful for the days that don't inspire anything more crass. I leave you with a bit from a hysterical cartoon that I stayed up an extra 30 minutes to watch last night, not knowing that with the new HDTV (progress my ass! There's a topic for a good thwarting!) there is a a whole channel devoted to the programs usually shown along with this cartoon.Jester: "So learn from the boy with bells on his hat and magic in his shoes."Dragon: "And fire in his fair if I lose count again!"Union Jane xxoo
What up G unit?
Contrary to how I just opened up my post, I am really quite awesome and not a 12 year old trying to use that thing we all call "popular slang." Or posting this at the mall using my cellphone that mommy and daddy paid for. Or holding a bag from Victoria's Secret thinking what I bought will impress this guy I like who will probably end up giving me an STD that hasn't been identified yet, or getting me pregnant. Or... well, you get the picture (hopefully). As the description says, I am the other 20-something awesome girl. I was going to post in green but didn't want our blog to appear in honor of the Christmas holiday, so I picked orange. Which, contradicting myself to a certain extent, I chose because it reminds me of Halloween pumpkins.
Anywhore... (yes, I use that word too... "besties" HELLO!)
I am seriously sarcastic. I also like to swear. If either of those bother you as a reader, then I'd suggest getting back to the bills you should be paying right now or the homework you're putting off because having your face plastered to your computer is way more fun. Not that I don't want you to read our blog... 'cause I do. I myself have at least three things I can think of that I should be doing at this very moment. The internet sucks us in, fun new websites attract our attention, and mindless ramblings about whatever-the-fuck-we-want glues us to the screen. I don't blame you. In fact I thank you, because that means you are here reading our mindless ramblings -- which I can also point out will not always be mindless. Between the two of us... whoa boy the shit we are going to talk about! I unfortunately will probably never apologize for the things I say, and if anything you read ticks you off or inspires you to leave a nasty comment, then I applaud you for either a) having your own opinion or b) being stupid enough to leave your ignorant remarks for everyone else to read. I shouldn't really have to say this either, but, this is a blog. It is for fun people. I only have my own life and my own experiences to shape my thoughts and ideas, and I have plenty of goobers out there to thank for being mostly pessimistic, jaded and untrusting. But, I also have a level of maturity that surpasses those of people 5+ years older than me, which means I can be honest and truthful in a fun, sometimes night time telly type of way.
What the hell was I talking about? I really need to hang it up for the night... I wanted to do my introduction since CB (I get to abbreviate her name, because she's my bestie) did hers. I hope your evening is so amazing it makes rainbows shoot our your ass. Nitey-nite.
P.S. I forgot. You can call me Union Jane.
HI! So, here I...well... WE are!Okay, so here's how this happened. Basically I sit around all day being unemployed and whatnot and I read a TON of blogs. Yeah, a shit-ton. It's like a new addiction or something. So, I wondered, "How hard could it be?" I mean, I'm sure it's hard, but I've had on-line journals and all that fun stuff so why not, right? However, I'm not sure how much I want to get into all the bloggy-drama whatnots that goes on. I'm not here to diss anyone else's blog or play favorites, I just want to have fun with it. I also decided to drag my bestie along for the ride and have her write along with me! She's in charge of making this blog look all pretty and add her own two cents. Oh! And we've decided for the sake of all parties involved - ourselves and whomever else may come up in conversation - to remain as anonymous as possible. (Mostly because I talk a lot of shit, haha!) So you may see really random nicknames from time to time. And for anyone who stumbles across this that figures out who we are... keep your mouth shut! As much as we adore you, we'll filter comments to make sure no one gives us away.Anywhore.... I'll be your blogger known (for at least the time being) as Classy Bitch. Pleasure to meet you all. I'm 24, from the Midwest, temporarily unemployed, in school full time and trying not to pull my damn hair out. I have 2 kitties - "The Boys" - and 2 pups - "Peanut" and "Melon Noggins" and I can't keep a plant alive to save my soul. I have a boyfriend - "Doc Sexy" - whom I thoroughly adore and appreciate more than anything in the world and will probably talk about quite often since I see him more than anyone else I know and we live together. My bestie who will be writing on here lives farther away from me than I'd like her to and we don't see each other often enough. She's 75% of my texting per month and the reason I come online every day. She's also the only other member of the "gang" that we have. It's so exclusive there can only be 2 members. I think the two of us totally rock and are super duper awesome and in time, you'll come to realize it as well. (I'm so full of myself sometimes.)Enough about that for now.... I'm sure everyone will learn more as time goes by. For now, I'm turning this over to my partner in crime so she can do all the crazy formatting and add her own post when she's got the time. I shall return another day.~xo~Classy BitchP.S. Apparently spell check doesn't think 'anywhore' is a word... *shaking fist* you shall learn spell check!