15 October 2009

If only my hair would cooperate

So I've just been having the most incredible day. Last night I had THE worst nightmare I've ever had in my life. (Yeah, nightmares...that's a story for a different day...) It woke me up around 12:15 a.m. and I cried for a solid half hour. But, when my alarm woke me up at 6:30, I felt great. Like, that's-not-possible-with-my-nightmares great. No side effects. No headache. No feeling heavy or slow. My eyes weren't even puffy. Then my photographs got the exact reaction I was striving for in class. I returned home to find my new skull and crossbones shoelaces had arrived which means I can FINALLY wear my newest pair of Converse. (Every Converse lover knows there are two rules: 1) the first thing you do is dirty them up and 2) the second thing you do is get new laces!) Then I hopped online and checked my other class grades and I got 8 out of 10 on my midterm quiz! That does put me at a B but if I ever get that stupid library book assignment done then it'll give me my A back. (10 questions for a midterm is great, unless you miss 3 or more...) Not to mention my favorite TV show is on tonight (and yes, it's a new episode!) and next Monday I am having lunch with CB!!! Wow. I'm just, like, all happy today. Even with this crap weather. But don't worry, I will still have plenty of sarcastically entertaining blogs in the future. I'm not Dr. House. There's no chance of my snide remarks vanishing.


P.S. And I just scored a "no misspellings" according to spellcheck. Bonus.

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