Whew! This was a long long weekend and my feet will never forgive me! Between the rain and the puddles and the boots and the running around (For scary purposes of course) my feet are so sore. But, since it was so nice out yesterday it made up for the suckiness of the rest of the weekend.
Anyway, the purpose of this particular entry was to get something off my chest. Again. I tend to rant and rave about this topic to UJ a lot and I'm sure she's sick of it but it just keeps coming back to annoy me and make me mad.
So, remember when I was talking about the wedding and I was bitching about Adulterer and Oblivious? Well... here's a funny thing. So I'm looking at a photo album on-line from such wedding and dumbass posted a picture of him!! Not only did she post it, but she did so knowing DAMN WELL that his WIFE signs on to his "personal page" and could very easily look at Oblivious' pictures because her page is not private. HELLOOO!!!!! HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?!? Oh! and it's labeled "My love" Honey.. he don't love you! You know he's cheated on his wife before with other women and you know that he keeps going back to her! He's not getting divorced, he's not leaving her, he's playing you for a fucking fool!! GEEZ!! Ugh, it's so frustrating and disgusting and I've pretty much come to the point that I can't even say anything else because how many times can you point out to a person that she's doing something wrong? I'm two seconds away from just emailing pictures of them to the wife so she can see what he's doing. I don't want Oblivious to be miserable but she's just digging herself deeper and deeper into a hole and he's just going to disappoint her. And I'm sorry... I cannot and will not be there for her when he does. As much as she's my friend, I cannot feel bad for her in this situation. And I really don't care if that makes me a bad friend. So fucking what.
Anywhore, besides that nonsense, I'm still uber sleepy. I can't seem to catch up. Maybe when October is over. But at least it smells fantastic outside! I <3>
Classy Witch (get it... witch... Halloween is coming... LOL)
3 days ago
I think you're going to be able to come up with more Halloween-related names than I am. LOL Ok well you pretty much know where I stand on the whole Oblivious thing. Now she's just even more Oblivious because the fact that she somehow thinks SHE'S the one he's going to be faithful to is ridiculous. *sigh* It's just not going to end well. And I hope the wife sees it. Somebody needs a smack in the face.
Have you commented on any of my blogs? Have you read them at least? lol I hope your feet feel better and FALL SMELLS EPIC. (Omg, I just realized...are you seeing the comments I'M leaving?? LOL)
She posted pictures? Oblivious is still Oblivious? I just...I just...I need to go lie down.
LMAO. Oh Dingo you have no idea. And I feel slightly weird because calling you Dingo sounds insulting. But yeah.
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