So, currently I SHOULD be paying attention in my MIS class. But seeing as how I can barely understand my prof and his voice annoys me and I already DID the thing he's talking about, I have chosen to ignore him and post. It's way better.
Anywhore. My day started out pretty amazing. I got up and actually got to see Doc Sexy before I left for the weekend. I had to pack up my cats and the Foo to come with me from Way Far Away and I didn't have to fight with the boys for an hour to get them in the crate...which is a miracle and a half. Then, when I left the house and went to get gas, all of the gas stations (and there's 5 at the same intersection) said that gas would be $2.79, so I just picked the closest one (which also happens to have the coffee drink I like) and got out to pump. Imagine my excitement when the pump said $2.63 instead! That's 16 cents! So then I went in and since my fave coffee was out of order I got my second fave, went to the register and paid and the cashier says, "Would you like a free Butterfinger?" I almost screamed "YES" at her before I took it and went back to the car. I guess I should mention that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Butterfingers! They're in my top 3 favorite candy bars. And then it went down hill from there.
It was cloudy when I left Way Far Away and then it started doing this shitty "sprinkling" crap that you can't really turn the wipers on for, but it still makes the window all spotty. My cats would NOT shut up. I got to listen to them cry and howl for almost the whole 3 hour trip. Traffic sucked since it was "raining" and it took 3 hours instead of my usual 2 hrs 35 min to get to my g-ma's house. I didn't get to have lunch with Noodle (my usual Tues/Thurs lunch buddy) because she's sick and at home. I got a shitty grade on my Accounting mid-term which I thought I did really well on.... it just hasn't gotten better.
Speaking of midterms! O.M.G. I had way higher expectations of myself. I took my stats test on the 12th and I wasn't too sure how I did. I got it back the 19th and I actually got a B. With the curve. I was pretty pleased with that. I took my finance test on the 15th and thought I did pretty well when it was over. NOT! I got a 68.8. Yeah. How shitty is that!? But seeing as how there was one question that only 3 people got right, my prof gave us 2.2 pts back and I ended up with a 71. I'm still not happy with that. I took my MIS test on the 13th and I still don't know how I did because that prof hasn't posted the grade yet. My accounting test was the 20th and again I thought I did pretty well. We got that back today... 77. Seriously?! The one test that I thought I totally fucked up was my best grade?! Not cool. Really not cool. I know I have a lot on my plate right now but I really studied for the finance and accounting tests and thought I knew the material really well. WOW... guess not. So now I have to bust my ass the rest of the semester so I can at least pull a B in those classes. 8 more weeks.....8 more weeks.....kill me now.
Other than that, things are decent. UJ and I had lunch on Monday (woo!! LOVE YOU UJ!) And after this month is over I think we're going to have lunch every Monday afternoon because her house is not too far out of the way when I drive up. YAY! Not much else is going on LOL. How bad is that?
9 days til Halloween!!
Classy Bitch
3 days ago